(b) 你申請的車輛類別必須為該執照簽發國家或地方准許你駕駛的類別;以及
the driving entitlement(s) for which you are applying must be equivalent to the class(es) which are authorized to drive by the issuing country or place; and
(c) 該執照是你在簽發國家或地方成功完成有關的駕駛考試後取得的;以及
your driving licence was obtained by passing the relevant driving test(s) in the issuing country or place; and
(d) 你符合以下三項申請資格的其中一項:
you satisfy one of the three requirements below:
(i) 該執照原本是你在發出該執照的國家或地方居留不少於6 個月的期間發出的( 證明文件包括有關護照以顯示出入境記錄或官方簽發的出入境證
the licence was originally issued to you on any date during a period of residence of not less than 6 months in the country or place of issue (supporting
documents include the relevant passport showing records of entry
and departure or an official statement of travel records, and your school transcript
or employer’s testimonial with employment period specified, etc.); or
(ii) 緊接本申請表呈交日期之前,該執照已簽發給你不少於五年;或
the licence has been issued to you for not less than 5 years immediately prior to the application; or
(iii) 你持有發出該執照的國家或地方所發的護照或同等旅行證件。
you hold a passport or an equivalent travel document issued in the country or place in which your licence was issued.
(e) 自暫准駕駛執照計劃於2009 年2 月9 日擴展至私家車及輕型貨車後,任何人士在獲有關駕駛考試合格後,他須先申領暫准駕駛執照及完滿通過12 個月
的暫准駕駛期,才可申領私家車及╱或輕型貨車的正式駕駛執照。根據現時香港有關法例,只容許持有香港法例第374B 章( 道路交通《駕駛執照》規
例) 附表四所列的國家╱地區( 參看以上(a) 項) 所發出的正式駕駛執照人士,透過「免試簽發」機制申領駕駛相關車輛的香港正式駕駛執照( 電單車、私
Since the extension of the Probationary Driving Licence Scheme to private car and light goods vehicle on 9.2.2009, a person who has passed the relevant
driving tests, is required to apply for a probationary driving licence, and upon satisfactory completion of the 12-month probationary driving period, is
eligible for issue of a full driving licence for private car and/or light goods vehicle. According to the relevant ordinance, “direct issue” mechanism can only
allow an eligible applicant with a full driving licence issued by any one of the countries/places listed under Schedule 4 of the Road Traffic (Driving Licences)
Regulations, Cap. 374B (vide (a) above), to apply for a Hong Kong full driving licence of the respective vehicle class (motor cycle, private car and light goods
vehicle). The “direct issue” mechanism is not applicable to those not holding a full driving licence or equivalent.
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